
Chiropractic has been established for over 100 years, with spinal manipulation being used by ancient Greek and Chinese civilizations dating back several thousand years. The name “Chiropractic” comes from the greek words “Cheiros” and “Praktikos” meaning to be “done by hand.”


Chiropractic is a regulated healthcare profession specialising in disorders related to the musculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles and joints). While chiropractors are best known for treating neck and back pain, chiropractic is suitable for many other types of pain and injury around the body as well as improving general health and wellbeing.

 & MORE!


 Due to the large range of techniques used at Gillingham Chiropractic Clinic, we are able to offer personalised care.

Muscles & soft tissues can be treated with a range of techniques including massagestretching & more. Dry needling (similar to acupuncture) can also be used to reduce muscle pain & spasm.

Stiff joints throughout the body are treated with adjustments. This involves quickly & safely moving the joint helping to restore normal motion. This is commonly associated with a cracking sound. Alternatives to manipulation such as joint mobilisation & activator are also available. The type of adjusting technique we use is called diversified.

We can also advise on exercises & stretches to do at home in addition to postural advice, pain management advice & more.


Your first visit will last approximately 40mins. The chiropractor will begin by taking a thorough history of your complaint(s) as well as your general health & any medications you may be taking.

Next a physical examination will be performed including a postural check, orthopaedic & neurological testing. It is good to wear clothes that are loose or easy to move in (for example leggings), however gowns are available.

Once the history & examination are complete, you will be be told what your condition is, if/how it can be treated & an estimate of how many treatments you will need. Should you wish to go ahead with treatment you may be treated on your first visit, however in some cases further investigation may be required, for example an x-ray or MRI.


Contact our expert team today, to see how we can help!